Monday, June 8, 2009

So, rates jumped up last week. What does that mean?

It's potentially devastating to people who are in the middle of buying or selling a particular property. The impact of higher rates is that a monthly mortgage payment automatically gets higher, so people cannot afford as much as they used to. For buyers, that means that the house at the extreme of what they could afford is now beyond their means. For sellers, it means that a contract might fall through because the seller cannot find a mortgage they can afford; if they haven't signed a contract yet, fewer buyers will be available to buy at their desired price.

Over the long term, it tends to even out. Eventually, sellers need to drop their prices to attract buyers. Buyers end up with the same properties, paying the same monthly amounts, just with more going to interest and less to principal.

In my personal situation, one thing I've noted and complained about is that condo interest rates are always higher than traditional single family home rates. This past week seems to confirm that the rates move at the same time and in in about the same amount for both types of mortgage (both 30 year fixed, 20% down). Provident Credit Union, a local outfit in the Bay Area, features a really nifty online mortgage tool; one of the things they offer, that I've signed up for, is email notifications of the current rate for a type of mortgage you're interested in. For more than a month now my desired one has been a steady 5.25%; last Friday, it was 5.75%. (Update: As of June 9th, it's jumped to 6.125%! Ouch!)

Off mortgage, on to property:

I'm increasingly interested in the Millbrae area. If prices continue to fall, I think that's probably where I'll wind up. I've visited a few times on weeknights and weekends, and it feels right to me... there's a good scale to their downtown, large enough for variety and an interesting walk, but not too dense or overwhelming. Being close to the Millbrae BART/Caltrain station would help with the commute. The weather seems to be quite nice - I have the advantage of nearly a year's worth of observation on my daily Caltrain ride, and I can see that it tends to be quite sunny, especially compared to the section of the peninsula immediately north.

Current downsides that I see: Again, expense is huge; there have been some significant reductions in condo prices lately, but I think there's probably more movement to go. Demographically, it's a bit older than I would prefer. And, possibly on a related note, I don't see a lot of people walking around the residential part of town - there's lots of good foot traffic on Broadway, and the parks look fairly busy, but almost nothing once you get up into the hills. (Which, to be fair, may itself be the reason why - it may feel less like a neighborhood stroll than scaling a mountain. I love slopes, but many people don't.) Oh, and every time I've been there it's been quite windy, which doesn't exactly bother me but is interesting.

So, we'll see how that goes. Right now I have alerts set up at Zillow to email me when new condos are put on the market or sold. I'm currently looking at the area west of El Camino and within about a mile or so of the station; this includes both Millbrae and the northern part of Burlingame, though Burlingame can make Millbrae almost look cheap. I also have RSS feeds into Craigslist's real estate section, which also provides some insight into what's in the market.

So far, the thing that I've noticed the most is how few properties are moving. There are several units at 555 Palm that have been on sale for months, one of them for at least six months, and have been through a $100k price drop but still haven't sold. The cheapest option seems to be 300 Murchison (Windwater Mills, formerly an apartment complex known as Avalon), but I'm not crazy about the location - it's close to the high school, and even when I visit on weekends the traffic feels really heavy there; plus there's some pretty disturbing reviews online about living there. There are two new condo developments, 88 South Broadway and Park Broadway; as far as I can tell, they've hardly sold anything for months. Park Broadway has slashed prices; 88 South may have cut them, but it's hard to tell, since their web site is extremely out of date.

There's another property, originally called Belamor and now Millbrae Paradise (a name I like far less), which is scheduled to go on the market in August. We'll see how that affects things - I imagine that, unless the housing market has decisively turned around, it will probably drive down the other prices.

So, that's that. Fun times!

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